Transfer Requests will be accepted beginning MARCH 1st.

Please note the Processing Timelines for the 2025-2026 School Year

  • Byron USD will start accepting Transfer Permit Requests on March 1st for the next school year.

    ~ No paperwork will be accepted prior to March 1st. ~

  • All Required Documents MUST be submitted with the request form.

  • Approval/Denial Notifications will be made via E-mail no later than 14 calendar days after instruction has commenced for the requested school year.

Inter District Transfer Permit Requests

Transfer INTO Byron USD

If you live outside the Byron Union School District area and wish to attend school within Byron Union School District boundaries, a parent or legal guardian may apply for an Inter District Transfer Permit from the District of Residence. If approved by the school district of residence, the request will be forwarded to Byron USD for review.

If approved by your District of Residence, you will be requested to provide the required records (listed below) for the past two (2) years via email to

  • Transcripts and/or report cards

  • Attendance records

  • Behavior/Discipline

  • If Receiving Services - Copy of the 504 or IEP plan

If the transfer permit is approved by Byron USD, the parent/guardian will be notified via e-mail. This documentation is necessary for consideration of the request. Transfers without appropriate documentation may be denied. Failure for parent to meet the required timelines established by Byron USD for required documentation or enrollment, Byron USD will deem the interdistrict transfer permit request abandoned.

* All transfer permits are granted based on space and program availability in the requested school.  Availability is determined by current and projected enrollment needs. 

** Transportation will not be provided for students who chose to attend outside their boundary school except as required by 20 USC 6316.

Transfers OUT of Byron USD

If you live within the Byron Union School District area and wish your student(s) to attend school in another School District, a parent or legal guardian must complete a Byron USD Inter-District Transfer Request Form.

Inter District Transfer Request Form

Signed and completed forms need to be submitted to
Please make sure the words Interdistrict Transfer Request are in the subject line.

In addition, appropriate documentation MUST be submitted with the completed Request Form. Documentation required includes, not limited to:

  • Proof of employment within the requesting District (i.e. copy of employee ID badge or paystub)

  • Verification of childcare and/or transportation (i.e. a signed and dated written statement that includes provider name, address, and phone number along with a specific description of the services provided for your student(s))

This documentation is necessary for consideration of the request. Transfers without appropriate documentation may be denied. Failure for parent to meet the required timelines established by Byron USD for required documentation or enrollment, Byron USD will deem the interdistrict transfer permit request abandoned.

Information provided in the request form must be true and accurate. All information provided is subject to verification and that the mere act of ​completing the request form and providing all of the required documentation ​DOES NOT guarantee that the request will be approved. ​

Approved transfer permits will be automatically forwarded to the requested District for processing. You will be contacted via email regarding any transfer that is denied.

Students must be enrolled to have their transfer requests considered.  If you haven’t enrolled your student, please start the process at your student’s school of residence.  If you don’t know which school is your school of residence, please click here

PLEASE NOTE:  Your Inter District Transfer Permit Request must be approved by both the resident school district and district of choice before enrolling in the school of choice. Please do not enroll/disenroll your student until you have received final confirmation from both districts.

ALL Inter-District Transfer Permit Requests must be submitted Annually for Approval.

Inter-district Transfer Permit Requests are reviewed annually and can be denied or revoked for a number of reasons:

  • Approval would risk the district’s enrollment in the student’s grade or specialized instructional programs to exceed capacity. No Space/Grade/Program Impacted/ CCCOE AR 5200 G (10)

  • Student was previously expelled or is currently under consideration for expulsion

  • Unsatisfactory behavior records as evidenced by office or class referrals

  • Unsatisfactory attendance as evidenced by school attendance records or SARB referral

  • Unsatisfactory academic progress/performance

  • For such other unusual circumstances which, in the discretion of the Superintendent or designee, justify the denial of the permit

  • The number of student transfers out of the district to a school district of choice has reached the limit specified in Education Code 48307 (b) based on the district’s average daily attendance.

  • Inaccurate or falsifying any information on the Request Form.

There are no appeal rights to the revocation of an inter-district transfer permit.

Intra District Transfer Requests

If you live within the Byron Union School District area and wish to attend another school within Byron USD boundaries, a parent or legal guardian may apply for an Intra District Transfer Request.

Students must be enrolled to have their transfers considered.  If you haven’t registered your student, please start the process at your student’s school of residence, which is their boundary school.  If you don’t know which school is your boundary school, please click here

Intra District Transfer Request Form

*Please make sure to include ALL supporting documentation for the reason of transfer request with the application. This documentation is necessary for review and approval.

Once complete, submit the signed request to your student’s current (designated) school office for review by the principal. Once the principal has reviewed the request, it will be sent to the District Office for final review and approval.

The district office will provide notification on the final determination, and next steps via e-mail.

Once an intra-district transfer is approved, the student will be regarded as a resident of the requested school site and will not require annual renewal; and space is not held at the original school site regardless if it is the school of residence (BP/AR 5116.1).

Please note that the District reserves the right to deny or revoke an intradistrict transfer, at any time, if:

  • Class size enrollment at the school of attendance exceeds class size limitations; or

  • Causes any walking distance student to be unable to attend their school or residence; or

  • Behavior, attendance and/or academic efforts fail to meet the standards of the requested school.

Intra-district transfer decisions are final; there are no appeal rights to these decisions.

All transfers are granted based on space and program availability in the requested school.  Availability is determined by current and projected enrollment needs. 

Transportation will not be provided for students who chose to attend outside their boundary school except as required by 20 USC 6316.


All transfer permits are considered based on review of the required documentation, space/program availability at the requested school site as determined by current and projected enrollment needs (BP 5117), number of transfers based on ADA, attendance, behavior, and academic status.

If approved, please be aware that student placement in a school or class is at the sole discretion of the District.

Transportation must be provided by parent or legal guardian for approved transfer permit students.

ALL Transfer Permit Requests are reviewed in the following order of priority:

  • Bullying, as determined by investigation

  • Parent/Guardian Employment in the requested District

  • Continuation

  • Sibling

  • Childcare/Transportation

  • Special physical or mental needs*

  • Relocation

  • Other

*Per AR 5117 “special physical or mental needs as certified by a physician, school psychologist, or other appropriate school personnel”

Processing Timelines

Byron USD will start accepting transfer requests for the next school year on March 1st

Notifications of approval/denial will be made no later than 14 calendar days after instruction has commenced for the requested school year.

For an inter-district transfer permit request received by the district 15 or fewer calendar days before the commencement of the school year for which the transfer is sought, the district will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision within 30 calendar days from the date the request was received.

If a student's inter-district transfer permit request is denied, the Superintendent or designee shall, in writing, notify the parents/guardians of their right to appeal to the Contra Costa County Office of Education within 30 calendar days from the date of the final denial.  (Education Code 46600.2). Appeals must be submitted within 30 days following the date of denial by following the instructions on the Contra Costa County Office of Education website:
