Health Education
MIDDLE SCHOOL FAMILY PREVIEW NIGHT of Preview of Positive Prevention Plus (Sexual Health) curriculum: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 7pm, District Office Board Room
Health Elective - 7th/8th Gr
All Excelsior Middle School students take a semester-long Health Education class that addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects of health. It teaches students how to maintain and improve their health; prevent disease; reduce health-related risk behaviors; and develop health knowledge, attitudes, and skills that foster academic achievement, increase attendance rates, and improve behavior at school. California Health Education Content Standards
Sexual Health: In Byron Union School District, comprehensive sexual health education is implemented as a part of the Health elective. All curricula follow CA Education Code requirements, including new topics required by the CA Healthy Youth Act. Sexual health education aims to prevent teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease as well as assist students with developing interpersonal skills, responsible behavior, and goal setting. Our adopted Positive Prevention Plus curriculum emphasizes decision-making and refusal skills, identifying healthy and unhealthy relationships, and communicating with trusted adults about sexual health.
2024-25 EMS Parent Notification Letter 2024-25 EMS Parent Notification Letter (English/Spanish)
Puberty Health - 5th Gr
We will be piloting a Upper Elementary Positive Prevention Plus curriculum in 24-25. Watch this space for more information.
PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION (including Opt Out of Instruction instructions)
Parents/guardians may excuse their child from certain aspects of the sexual health instruction for this school year by providing an electronic, printed, or hand‐written note in their preferred language to their child's teacher. The note should simply state that they are excusing their child from the instruction, include their child's name, and be generated or signed by the parent or guardian. There is no need for any reason to be stated in this note. The classroom teacher will then reach out to the parent to go over which content the parent would like their child excused from. Students excused from the sexual health instruction will receive alternative health-related assignments to complete during the instructional time.
School sites will send a letter to parents/guardians that explains their right to review the curriculum prior to instruction and their right to excuse their child from the instruction. The letter includes the following information:
Comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention instruction is provided by trained classroom teachers or community-based health educators.
All content complies with California Healthy Youth Act and CA Education Code requirements.
When the instruction will be implemented at their child's school.
When parents/guardians can review instructional materials at their child's school.
That parents/guardians may notify the school in writing if they wish to excuse their child from the instruction.