Student Services

Welcome to the web page for the Byron Union School District’s Department of Educational Services.  Consistent with our District’s vision, we strive to provide each and every student with an education that celebrates them as learners and fosters a lifelong desire to seek knowledge and understanding.  We work hard every day to achieve this goal by gathering necessary information to understand the unique needs of each student we serve, collaborating with parents and staff to develop support plans, utilizing research based strategies and evidence based interventions, and closely monitoring student progress. 

The Department of Educational Services oversees special education services, section 504, foster youth, homeless youth, attendance, health services, and home and hospital instruction. 

Homeless & Foster Youth

The McKinney-Vento Act guarantees school enrollment for anyone who does not have a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. 

Please let us know if you are temporarily:
●      In an emergency shelter or transitional housing;
●      In a motel, hotel, car, RV, public space or abandoned building with nowhere else to go;
●      Living with relatives or friends due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;
●      Migratory children living in any of the above situations;
●      School aged students not in the physical custody of a parent / legal guardian living in any of the above situations

Services available include:
●      Immediate enrollment, even if missing registration documentation (school records, medical records, vaccination records, proof of residency
●      Remain at the school the student last attended when they had permanent housing (school of origin)
●      Receive transportation to the school of origin
●      Receive free school meals
●      Access school programs

Foster Youth/Homeless Liaison contact:
Tanya Voqui

Mckinney Vento Picture