Enrollment Information

New Student Enrollment

Enrollment is for students who are new to the school district. Enrollment occurs throughout the school year when a new student is going to begin attending an Byron USD School. Students will be enrolled in the district once and automatically enrolled each year. Student enrollment is handled by the School of Residence. Please begin the process by going to your school of residence directly.

The following documentation is required for all enrollments:

  • Proof of Age (Original only, no copies)

  • Proof of Residency, two forms of documentation (more information below)

  • Current immunization records (more information below)

  • Kindergarten Only: Evidence of Physical Check-up and

    Dental Check-up

Please be advised that because we are a growing community, placement at your neighborhood school may not be possible. While we can assure you placement within our school district, we cannot guarantee placement at your neighborhood school.

Online Enrollment Process:

  1. Verify your School of Residence, based on address

  2. Go to the Online Enrollment page 

  3. Create an Account

  4. Complete all required data fields.

  5. Upload Required Documents

  6. When you have completed the application and provided all the information required, please be sure to click the finish and submit button. The school's office manager will receive an email about your child's new enrollment after you submit the information. You may print out the enrollment confirmation number for your records by clicking print or choose to save as a PDF.

Enrollment Icon


Students must be five (5) on or before Sept. 1, 2025, to attend kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year.
A student whose fifth (5th) birthday falls after Sept. 1, 2025 will be placed in a TK class.
Evidence of recent physical check-up and dental check-up are required for student enrollment, as well as immunization records and proof of District Residency.

Universal Transitional Kindergarten (TK)

With the passage of the 2021-2022 California budget, Transitional Kindergarten (TK) will be expanded, with full implementation of Universal TK slated for the 2025-26 school year. Expansion began in 2022-23 and incrementally increases eligibility for TK based on children’s birthdates, until Universal TK is achieved by the 2025-2026 school year and will include all children who turn 4 before September 1 of the current school year.

TK Eligibility:

2025-26 School Year and Every Year thereafter: All students who will have their fourth (4th) birthday by September 1st of the upcoming school year are eligible for TK (universal eligibility).

Current Student Registration

FOR CURRENT Byron USD STUDENTS please use the Parent Portal for data confirmation or contact your school site.

> Parent Portal Instructions | Español

Required Proof of Residency Documentation:

PICTURE ID: (One required)
original documents only; copies & screenshots are not accepted

with parent/guardian’s name and current address;
copies & screenshots will not be accepted

Current California State Driver’s License

Valid vehicle registration with current address

Current California ID Card

Property Tax Bill with parent/guardian’s name and property address

Valid Passport or Consulate Issued Picture ID

Rental/Lease agreement with parent/guardian’s name, student’s name, address; as well as manager or owner’s name, address, and phone number

Voting Card

Payroll stubs/ checks

Military ID

State or Federal Tax Return (computerized or copy of original) filed within the past 12 months with W-2 forms attached.
Note: Business returns do not meet residency requirements.

Utility Bills - must provide any of the following: PG&E,  water/sewer,  telephone,  cable

For new homeowners: close of escrow documents may be provided. However, within 30 calendar days of enrollment, one (1) of the documents listed above must be provide for continued enrollment.

NOTE: PO BOX Numbers are not valid addresses.

Shots for Schools Logo

Immunization Requirements:

California schools are required to check immunizations records for all new student admissions at TK/Kindergarten through 12th grade and all students advancing to 7th grade before entry.

In addition, all incoming 7th grade students need proof before starting school of a whooping cough booster shot (Tdap), and two doses of chickenpox vaccine.

Senate Bill 277 removed the personal belief exemption (PBE) from school immunization requirements.  As of January 1, 2016, Byron USD cannot accept PBE forms for children entering preschool, kindergarten and 7th grade.  

More information about immunization requirements (PDF) | Español

You can visit www.shotsforschool.org for more information on immunizations.