Parent Resources

Healthy Kids Survey

California Healthy Kids Survey

Students in grades three through eight will be asked to take a survey at school. The survey includes questions about school safety and the learning environment as well as questions about alcohol, tobacco, and other drug issues.

The survey is anonymous. No names or any other identifying information is connected to the answers except for the name of the school.

For Grades 3-6, student participation requires parent consent through returning the paper form that was sent home or completing this digital consent form.


For Grades 7 and 8, student participation in the survey is voluntary. They may complete the survey or opt-out at time of administration. We hope that you will encourage your child to participate so that his or her opinion and knowledge can be used to improve the school.

If you have questions, please contact Kelly Mackey at or Jill Sprenkel at

If you wish to view the survey, you may do so at the school office or below.

Grades 3-6 Surveys:
Core Survey:
English   Spanish
TUPE (Tobacco Use Prevention Education) Survey:
English  Spanish

Grades 7-8 Surveys:
Core Survey:
English   Spanish

Every School Day Counts

We want all of our Byron Union School District community to know their health and safety is our district’s priority. During times of uncertainty, it is important to concentrate on the physical and emotional health of students, staff, and families. This COVID-19 resource page has various resources, activities and hotlines to reach out for assistance. If your son or daughter is having a difficult time and would like to speak with our district counselor/PBIS, Email Mrs. Jill Sprenkel

In the event that this is an emergency, dial 9-1-1 for immediate help.