LCAP Input Meetings

Contribute to our new 2024-2027 LCAP by joining an Partner meeting!

The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is our 3-year plan that outlines our goals, actions, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes.


Wed, Mar 6, 6:00 PM - VIRTUAL  ZOOM LINK for 3/6

Fri, Mar 8, 7:30 AM - VIRTUAL  ZOOM LINK for 3/8

Tues, Mar 12, 4:00 PM - Village Community Resource Center

 (St. Anne’s, 2800 Camino Diablo, Bryon) - English & Spanish

Other opportunities - EMS PTSA (Mar 6); TPE PTA (Mar 12); DBE PTA (Apr 16)

CAN'T ATTEND A MEETING? Here are other options:

*ENGLISH: Watch our presentation video  or review presentation slides and complete the LCAP Survey

*SPANISH: Review our presentation slides  and complete the LCAP Spanish Survey

Contact for more information.